Friday, July 27, 2007


This is a screenshot of my MSc. research on predicting binding sites of cancer related protein using this computer software called AutoDock. This process is term as "Blind Docking" because you have no or limited knowledge on where the respective ligand or drug going to be bound to the active site of the respective protein, thus affecting its function.

I dont mean to talk about my work here,but this thing is so complex and it already took half of my day, waiting the process to finish. I dont know why the process is sooooo slow today..
Aiyah, AutoDock..cepat sikit boleh?


Anonymous said...

Waiting can be depressing sometimes..sabar ye ucuk acin.ahaks!

Unknown said...

ala ucuk acin* jgn la riso sgt kena tunggu satu ari ye...

nasib baik tak macam ni...

* pinjam sat ye nama ni...hehe

Unknown said...

salam brader

saja singgah bila tertulis aku hidup dalam blues kat sini...heh!


tumpang lalu...

Anonymous said...

macam map sabah sarawak je...huhuhuh....

Awak....comelnyerrr sarah nih...geram plak tengok!!!