Saturday, May 20, 2006

Selftalk: Prioritize

Hari ini, dalam mesyuarat dua-minggu-sekali, bermula jam 1030 pagi hingga jam 115 tengahari (tu pun sebab saya keluar pergi solat jumaat), tak banyak benda penting yang perlu ditulis dalam catatan. Malah, dalam masa hampir 3 jam itu, perkara2 yang dibincangkan lebih kepada perkara melalut seperti: mana lebih sesuai untuk dijadikan pemberat, batu (bricks) atau buku...
Huh, ilmiah sungguh!
Tetapi, ada sesuatu yang saya kutip daripada intro mesyuarat itu iaitu : Prioritize (keutamaan).
Menyemak maksud perkataan ini di -
v. tr.
To arrange or deal with in order of importance.
v. intr.
To put things in order of importance: “Everyone should take time to be alone, to prioritize and meditate” (Art Linkletter).

In life, things always come in many ways. Things come unpredicted (or predicted), and it may comes to you for many reasons. Sometimes you feel like you have not enough time and sometimes you just deal with your things in a wrong way. You do not deal thing accordingly, based on what you should put more attention to it. At the end of the day, you feel tensed and frustated.
It is a third world thinking, that was said by my supervisor. Malaysia, as a country we have reach at least, at the "front door" of the developing country. However, the attitude and mentality of the citizen need more improvement in order to prepare yourself for the borderless world. The attitude has to change. The mentality has to change.
You have to prioritize in your life.
You should know what is MORE important and MORE attention should be given to it.
For example, while working at your office, your wife call and tell you that you're running out of sugar (oh, this is a BIG issue in Malaysia, mana entah pergi gula??) .
Should you stop working and run to the Giant and buy the sugar or...
you continue working, and ask your wife to buy the sugar at the nearest groceries shop.
I bet, there is someone who will stop his work and go get the sugar.
My point here is, what is MORE important?
What is your priority? Work at office? or get the sugar?

This prioritize habit is not only limits to your work, but it also applies to every decision you do in your life. When dealing with many chances and when you have to make an ultimate, only one decision, you usually will consider this. But NO, you should apply this attitude to everthing in your life. It is not only will help you, but others around you.

Amacam, berani berubah?


Anonymous said...

i prioritize 2 hours of my day at office reading blogs and checking emails. kul 10.30 - 11 baru start keja..erm..shh...jgn cakap kat bos aku

Anonymous said...

First thing first. Dengan sikap ko yang beginilah menyebabkan segala kerja ko berjalan lancar kan? Sebab hati ko dah senang lenang mengetahui keadaan "dunia", dan kemudian bekerja tanpa gangguan...
(berapa no. tipon bos ko?aku tak bagitahu dia punyer..heh!)

Anonymous said...

priority gua skarang:
1. siapkan keje untuk new intake july nih.
2. majlis kawin.
3. pikir nak honeymoon mane.
4. kumpul duit balik yang dah kering dek perkara no. 2.
5-10. kumpul duit lagi dan lagi dan lagi!

amcam? best tak?